
Sadako Sasaki

Sadako Sasaki was two years old on August 6th, 1945 when the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on her home

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Chief Seattle

The Earth is our home. We are a part of the Earth, and we rely upon the Earth for our very existence. The Earth’s gifts feed us, provide shelter, and all the materials we need to survive and thrive. Even modest changes to Earth’s systems have profound effects on human life and the course of civilizations. Understanding these systems and how they interact with us is vital for our survival.

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Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk, poet, and peace activist. He is renowned for his teachings and writings on mindfulness and peace. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called him, “an Apostle of peace and nonviolence” when nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Exiled from his native Vietnam for almost four decades, Thich Nhat Hanh has been a pioneer in bringing Buddhism and mindfulness to the West.

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Julia Ward Howe

Arise, all women who have hearts!

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7 Quotations on Peace

“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.”

A. J. Musti

“The problem after a war is with the victor. He thinks he has just proved that war and violence pay. Who will now teach him a lesson?”

A. J. Musti

“We cannot have peace if we are only concerned with peace. War is not an accident. It is the logical outcome of a certain way of life. If we want to attack war, we have to attack that way of life.”

A. J. Musti

“In a world built on violence, one must be a revolutionary before one can be a pacifist.”

A. J. Musti

“The only way to abolish war is to make peace seem heroic.”


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“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.”

Rudolf Steiner

“Love is higher than opinion. If people love one another the most varied opinions can be reconciled--thus one of tne most important tasks for humankind today and in the future is that we should learn to live together and understand one another. If this human fellowship is not achieved, all talk of development is empty.”

Rudolf Steiner