By Ron Liskey | July 27, 2022

Radio Open Source


Radio Open Source

Open Source is “an American conversation with global attitude.” It was the first podcast and now it’s a weekly show on . WBUR, broadcasting Thursday nights at and Sundays at pm. Drawing on roots in Boston, they remind us why the city has been the capital of ideas in the United States since the heyday of Emerson and Thoreau. They’re an independent production company funded by grants, gifts and donations.

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Recommended Reading

book cover


A People’s History of the United States

– Howard Zinn
A 1980 nonfiction book presenting a long-neglected side of history that avoids the typical “nationalist glorification of country”. Zinn does not hide or sugarcoat the many tragedies of US history. The book is assigned in many high schools and colleges across the United States, and has inspired in a quiet revolution in the field of historical research, which now commonly includes previously ignored stories.

In a 1998 interview, Zinn said his goal in writing the book was to inspire a “quiet revolution”. “Not a revolution in the classical sense of a seizure of power, but rather from people beginning to take power from within the institutions. In the workplace, the workers would take power to control the conditions of their lives."

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